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Sweetish Wholesale

Lakrids by Bülow A - The Original 10.4oz (10 Pack)

Lakrids by Bülow A - The Original 10.4oz (10 Pack)

Regular price $131.90 USD
Regular price Sale price $131.90 USD
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A - THE ORIGINAL was the first product developed when Johan Bülow had the original idea to coat licorice with chocolate. People were at first skeptical about the idea, but the popular product A soon saw the light of day. The combination of sweet licorice, exclusive milk chocolate and fine licorice powder is according to many instantly addictive.

Sweetish Wholesale curates an expansive selection of Swedish Candy! Our shop is happy to offer a variety of gummies, chocolates, and snacks from Sweden, Scandinavia, and Nordic countries. Tack så mycket!

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